Theorems about Programs




cse116-reduce-ind -> A

cse116-induct-ind -> B

cse116-reduce2-ind -> E

cse116-nano2-ind -> D

[Add]     --------------------------------------------------------
                                 1 + 2 => 3
[Let-Def] --------------------------------------------------------
          (let x = 1 + 2 in 4 + 5 + x) => (let x = 3 in 4 + 5 + x)

Formalizing Nano

We want to be able to guarantee properties about programs, such as:

  • evaluation is deterministic

  • all programs terminate

  • certain programs never fail at runtime

  • etc.

To prove theorems about programs we first need to define formally

  • their syntax (what programs look like)

  • their semantics (what it means to run a program)

Let’s start with Nano1 (Nano w/o functions) and prove some stuff!

Nano1: Syntax

e ::= n | x                          --  expressions
        | e1 + e2
        | let x = e1 in e2

v ::= n                                  --  values

where n ∈ ℕ, x ∈ Var

Nano1: Operational Semantics

Operational semantics defines how to execute a program step by step

Let’s define a step relation (reduction relation) e => e’

  • expression e makes a step (reduces in one step) to an expression e’

We define the step relation inductively through a set of rules:

               e1 => e1'           --  premise
[Add-L]   -------------------
          e1 + e2 => e1' + e2      --  conclusion

               e2 => e2'
[Add-R]   -------------------
          n1 + e2 => n1 + e2'

[Add]     n1 + n2 => n              where  n  ==  n1  +  n2

                        e1 => e1'
[Let-Def] -------------------------------------
          let x = e1 in e2 => let x = e1' in e2

[Let]     let x = v in e2 => e2[x := v]

and we can define e[x := v] as:

x[x := v]                  = v
y[x := v]                  = y
n[x := v]                  = n
(e1 + e2)[x := v]          = e1[x := v] + e2 [x := v]
(let x = e1 in e2)[x := v] = let x = e1[x := v] in e2
(let y = e1 in e2)[x := v] = let x = e1[x := v] in e2[x := v]

A reduction is valid if we can build its derivation by stacking the rules:

  [Add] --------------------
              1 + 2 => 3
[Add-L] --------------------
        (1 + 2) + 5 => 3 + 5

Note: we don’t have reduction rules for n or x, since both these expressions cannot be further reduced (normal).

However, x is not a value, and if the final result is that, it’s a runtime error (stuck)

Evaluation Order

Out of these expressions, only the first is valid:

  • (1 + 2) + (3 + 4) => 3 + (3 + 4)

  • (1 + 2) + (3 + 4) => (1 + 2) + 7

since expression 1 has a derivation, but expr 2 does not:

  [Add] --------------------------------
                    1 + 2 => 3
[Add-L] --------------------------------
        (1 + 2) + (3 + 4) => 3 + (3 + 4)

-- but:
  [???] --------------------------------
        (1 + 2) + (3 + 4) => (1 + 2) + 7

Evaluation Relation

Like in lambda calc, we define the multi-step reduction relation e =*> e':

e =*> e' iff there exists a sequence of expressions e1..en` s.t. ``e1 = e, en = e', ei => e(i+1)

Similarly, we can define evaluation relations e =~> e'.

Nano1 Thms

Let’s prove:

  • every Nano1 program terminates

  • Closed Nano1 programs don’t get stuck

  • (corollary 1+2): closed nano programs evaluate to a value

using induction!

Induction on terms

e ::= n | x
        | e1 + e2
        | let x = e1 in e2

To prove \forall e.P(e), we need to prove:

  • BS 1: P(n)

  • BS 2: P(x)

  • IS 1: P(e1 + e2) assuming P(e1) and P(e2)

  • IS 2: P(let x = e1 in e2) assuming P(e1) and P(e2)

Induction on derivations

The relation => is also defined inductively:

  • axioms are base cases ([Add], [Let])

  • rules with premises are inductive cases ([Add-L], [Add-R], [Let-Def])

Thm: Termination

Thm 1: For any expression e, there exists e' s.t. e =~> e'.

Let’s define the size of an expression s.t.:

  • size of each expression is positive

  • each reduction step strictly decreases the size

size n                  = 1
size x                  = 1
size (e1 + e2)          = size e1 + size e2
size (let x = e1 in e2) = size e1 + size e2

Lemma 1: For all e, size e > 0.

  • BS 1: size n = 1 > 0.

  • BS 2: size x = 1 > 0.

  • IS 1: size (e1 + e2) = size e1 + size e2 > 0 because size e1 > 0 and size e2 > 0 by IH.

  • IS 2: similar.

Lemma 2: For any e, e' s.t. e => e', size e' < size e.

Proof: by induction on the derivation of e => e'.

Base case: [Add]

  • Given: the root of the derivation is [Add]: n1 + n2 => n where n = n1 + n2.

  • To prove: size n < size (n1 + n2)

  • 1 < 2.

Inductive case: [Add-L]

  • Given: the root of the derivation is [Add-L]: (defn [Add-L].)

  • To prove: size (e1' + e2) < size (e1 + e2)

  • IH: size e1' < size e1

  • size e1' + size e2 < size e1 + size e2 by addition

  • size (e1' + e2) < size (e1 + e2) by defn of size. QED.

Base case: [Let]

  • Given: root of the derivation is [Let]: let x = v in e2 => e2[x := v]

  • Prove: size (e2[x := v]) < size (let x = v in e2)

  • size (e2[x := v]) = size e2 by aux lemma

  • size (let x = v in e2) = size v + size e2 by defn

  • size e2 < size v + size e2 by lemma 1

  • therefore, size (e2[x := v]) < size (let x = v in e2)

Nano2: Adding functions

Let’s extend the syntax:

e ::= n | x                          --  expressions
        | e1 + e2
        | let x = e1 in e2
        | \x -> e
        | e1 e2

v ::= n | (\x -> e)

Operational Semantics

           e1 => e1'
[App-L] ---------------
        e1 e2 => e1' e2

          e => e'
[App-R] -----------
        v e => v e'

[App] (\x -> e) v => e[x := v]


((\x y -> x + y) 1) (1 + 2)
=> (\y -> 1 + y) (1 + 2)  -- [App-L]|[App]
=> (\y -> 1 + y) 3        -- [App-R]|[Add]
=> 1 + 3                  -- [App]
=> 4                      -- [Add]

Our rules implement call-by-value:

  • evaluate the function (to a lambda)

  • evaluate the arg (to some value)

  • make the call: make a sub of formal to actual in body

the alternative is call-by-name:

  • do not evaluate the argument before making the call

  • let’s modify the rules to make it call by name!

modified call-by-name:

           e1 => e1'
[App-L] ---------------
        e1 e2 => e1' e2

[App] (\x -> e1) e2 => e1[x := e2]

Thms about Nano2

  • not every program will terminate! think of the omega term

  • programs can get stuck! what about 1 2?