Polymorphism & Type Inference




cse116-nanotype-ind -> D1

cse116-typed-ind -> B

cse116-subst-ind -> B

cse116-unify-ind -> C, D, E

cse116-infer-ind -> E

Type System

A type system defines what types an expression can have

To define a type system, we need to define:

  • the syntax of types: what do types look like?

  • the static semantics of our language (i.e. the typing rules): assign types to expressions

Syntax of Types

T ::= Int       -- integers
    | T1 -> T2  -- function types

Now, we define a typing relation e :: T (“e has type T”), inductively thru typing rules:

[T-Num] n :: Int

        e1 :: Int    e2 :: Int  -- premises
[T-Add] ----------------------
            e1 + e2 :: Int      -- conclusions

[T-Var] x :: ???

Type Environment

An expression has a type in a given type environment (or context), which maps all its free variables to their types:

G = x1:T1, x2:T2, ..., xn:Tn

-- now, our typing relation should include G:
G |- e :: T  -- e has type T in G

Typing Rules

An expression e has type T if we can derive G |- e :: T using these rules

An expression e is well-typed in G if we can derive G |- e :: T for some type T

-- typing rules using G
[T-Num] G |- n :: Int

        G |- e1 :: Int    G |- e2 :: Int
[T-Add] --------------------------------
            G |- e1 + e2 :: Int

[T-Var] G |- x :: T             if x:T in G

           G,x:T1 |- e :: T2
[T-Abs] ------------------------
        G |- \x -> e :: T1 -> T2

        G |- e1 :: T1 -> T2    G |- e2 :: T1
[T-App] ------------------------------------  -- modus ponens!
                G |- e1 e2 :: T2

        G |- e1 :: T1    G,x:T1 |- e2 :: T2
[T-Let] -----------------------------------
           G |- let x = e1 in e2 :: T2



-- 1
[] |- (\x -> x) 2 :: Int

[T-Var]  -------------------
         [x:Int] |- x :: Int
[T-Abs]  -------------------              --------------  [T-Num]
         [] |- \x -> x :: Int -> Int      [] |- 2 :: Int
[T-App]  -----------------------------------------------
         [] |- (\x -> x) 2 :: Int

-- 2
[] |- let x = 1 in x + 2 :: Int

[T-Var] -----------------   -----------------[T-Num]
        x:Int |- x :: Int   x:Int |- 2 :: Int
[T-Num] --------------   ------------------------------------[T-Add]
        [] |- 1 :: Int   x:Int |- x + 2 :: Int
[T-Let] -----------------------------------
        [] |- let x = 1 in x + 2 :: Int

[] |- (\x -> x x) :: T is underivable, because T has to be equal to T -> T

According to these rules, an expression can have zero, one, or many types.

e.g. 1 2 has no types, 1 has 1 type, \x -> x has many types.

One problem with this system: there’s no generics.

Polymorphic Types

We can formalize a type a -> a as a polymorphic type: forall a . a -> a

  • where a is a bound type variable

  • also called a type scheme

  • haskell has polymorphic types, but forall isn’t usually required

We can instantiate this scheme into different types by replacing a in the body with some type, e.g. instantiating with Int yields Int -> Int.


Similar to lambda expression at type level

With polymorphic types, we can derive e :: Int -> Int where e is

let id = \x -> x in
    let y = id 5 in
        id (\z -> z + y)

Inference works as follows:

  1. When we have to pick a type T for x, we pick a fresh type variable a

  2. So the type of \x -> x comes out as a -> a

  3. We can generalize this type to forall a . a -> a

  4. When we apply id the first time, we instantiate this polymorphic type with Int

  5. When we apply id the second time, we instantiate this polymorphic type with Int ->Int

Type System 3


-- Mono-types
T ::= Int
    | T1 -> T2
    | a             -- type variables

-- Poly-types
S ::= T             -- mono
    | forall a . S  -- polymorphic

-- where a ∈ TVar, T ∈ Type, S ∈ Poly

Type Environment

The type environment now maps variables to poly-types: G : Var -> Poly

  • example, G = [z: Int, id: forall a . a -> a]

Type Substitutions

We need a mechanism for replacing all type variables in a type with another type:

A type substitution is a finite map from type variables to types: U : TVar -> Type

  • example: U1 = [a / Int, b / (c -> c)]

To apply a substitution U to a type T means replace all type vars in T with whatever they are mapped to in U

  • example 1: U1 (a -> a) = Int -> Int

  • example 2: U1 Int = Int

Typing Rules

We need to change the typing rules so that:

-- 1. variables and their definitions can have polymorphic types
[T-Var] G |- x :: S          if x:S in G

        G |- e1 :: S   G, x:S |- e2 :: T
[T-Let] ------------------------------------
           G |- let x = e1 in e2 :: T

-- 2. we can instantiate a type scheme into a type
         G |- e :: forall a . S
[T-Inst] ----------------------
          G |- e :: [a / T] S

-- 3. we can generalize a type with free type variables into a type scheme
             G |- e :: S
[T-Gen] ---------------------- if not (a in FTV(G))  -- FTV = Free Type Variables
        G |- e :: forall a . S

-- the rest of the rules are the same:
[T-Num] G |- n :: Int

        G |- e1 :: Int    G |- e2 :: Int
[T-Add] --------------------------------
            G |- e1 + e2 :: Int

           G,x:T1 |- e :: T2
[T-Abs] ------------------------
        G |- \x -> e :: T1 -> T2

        G |- e1 :: T1 -> T2    G |- e2 :: T1
[T-App] ------------------------------------  -- modus ponens!
                G |- e1 e2 :: T2


-- derive: [] |- \x -> x :: forall a . a -> a

[T-Var] ---------------
        [x:a] |- x :: a
[T-Abs] -----------------------
        [] |- \x -> x :: a -> a
[T-Gen] ----------------------------------  not (a in FTV([]))
        [] |- \x -> x :: forall a . a -> a

-- derive: [x:a] |- x :: forall a . a
-- not derivable, since a is not in FTV([x:a])

-- derive: G1 |- id 5 :: Int where G1 = [id : (forall a . a -> a)]

[T-Var] -----------------------------
        G1 |- id :: forall a . a -> a
[T-Inst]----------------------         -------------- [T-Num]
        G1 |- id :: Int -> Int         G1 |- 5 :: Int
[T-App] ---------------------------------------------
        G1 |- id 5 :: Int

-- see slides page 12 for example 3

Representing Types

The eventual goal is to create a function infer, which:

  • given a context G and an expression e,

  • returns a type T s.t. G |- e :: T

  • or reports a type error

data Type = TInt     -- int
    | Type :=> Type  -- T1 -> T2
    | Var String     -- a, b, c

data Poly = Mono Type
    | Forall TVar Poly

type TVar = String
type TEnv = [(Id, Poly)]  -- type environment
type Subst = [(String, Type)] -- type sub

Main idea: let’s implement infer like this:

  1. Depending on the kind of expression, find the typing rule that applies to it

  2. If the rule has premises, recursively call infer to obtain the types of subexpressions

  3. Combine the types of subexpressions according to the conclusion of the rule

  4. If no rule applies, report a type error

-- | This is not the final version!!!
infer :: TypeEnv -> Expr -> Type
infer _    (ENum _)     = TInt
infer tEnv (EVar var)   = lookup var tEnv
infer tEnv (EAdd e1 e2) =
    if t1 == TInt && t2 == TInt
        then return TInt
        else throw "type error: + expects Int operands"
        t1 = infer tEnv e1
        t2 = infer tEnv e2

The problem is, some of our typing rules are nondeterministic (see slides pg. 13)

  1. guessing type

infer tEnv (ELam x e) = tX :=> tBody
        tEnv' = extendTEnv x tX tEnv
        tX    = ???         -- ??????
        tBody = infer tEnv' e
  1. guessing when to generalize


  1. whenever we need to guess a type, don’t. just return a fresh type variable

  2. whenever a rule imposes a constraint on a type, try to find the right substitution for the free type vars to satisfy the constraint (unification)


The unification problem: given two types T1 and T2, find a type substitution U s.t. U T1 = U T2.

Such a substitution is called a unifier of T1 and T2.


  1. The unifier of a and Int is [a/Int]

  2. a -> a and Int -> Int is [a/Int]

  3. a -> Int and Int -> b is [a/Int, b/Int]

  4. Int and Int is []

  5. a and a is []

  6. Int and Int -> Int is invalid

  7. Int and a -> a is invalid

  8. a and a -> a is invalid

  9. b and a -> a is [b/a -> a]

Infer 2

To add constraint-based typing, we need to keep track of the current substitution:

-- | Now has to keep track of current substitution!
infer :: Subst -> TypeEnv -> Expr -> (Subst, Type)
infer sub _    (ENum _)     = (sub, TInt)
infer sub tEnv (EVar var)   = (sub, lookup var tEnv)

-- Lambda case: simply generate fresh type variable!
infer sub tEnv (ELam x e) = (sub1, tX' :=> tBody)
        tEnv'          = extendTEnv x tX tEnv
        tX             = freshTV -- we'll get to this
        (sub1, tBody)  = infer sub tEnv' e
        tX'            = apply sub1 tX

-- Add case: recursively infer types of operands
-- and enforce constraint that they are both Int
infer sub tEnv (EAdd e1 e2) = (sub4, TInt)
        (sub1, t1) = infer sub tEnv e1   -- 1. infer type of e1
        sub2       = unify sub1 t1 Int   -- 2. constraint: t1 is Int
        tEnv'      = apply sub2 tEnv     -- 3. apply subst to context (sets in scope)
        (sub3, t2) = infer sub2 tEnv' e2 -- 4. infer e2 type in new ctx
        sub4       = unify sub3 t2 Int   -- 5. constraint: t2 is Int


Fresh Type Variables

How do you create a new fresh type variable every time? You’ll have to pass an argument along.


When do we generalize a type like a -> a to forall a . a -> a?

When do we instantiate a polymorphic type and to what?

Generalization and Instantiation

  • Whenever we infer a type for a let-defined variable, generalize it
    • It’s safe, even when not necessary

  • Whenever we see a variable with polymorphic type, instantiate it with a fresh type variable