Lambda Calculus =============== Review: `9/26 - Lambda Calculus `_ `Slides `_ .. data:: occurrence an appearance of a variable in an expression (binding does not count) Quizzes ------- cse116-lambda-ind -> A cse116-scope-ind -> C cse116-beta1-ind -> D cse116-beta2-ind -> A cse116-norm-ind -> C cse116-church-ind -> A cse116-add-ind -> A cse116-mult-ind -> B cse116-sum-ind -> NO Reductions ---------- .. data:: alpha-reduction ``\x -> e =a> \y -> e[x := y]`` ``| where not (y in FV(e))`` .. data:: beta-reduction ``(\x -> e1) e2 =b> e1[x := e2]`` "Replace all **free** occurrences of *x* in *e1* with *e2*." .. code-block:: haskell x[x := e] = e y[x := e] = y (e1 e2)[x := e] = (e1[x := e]) (e2[x := e]) (\x -> e1)[x := e] = \x -> e1 -- since x in e1 is bound (\y -> e1)[x := e] | not (y in FV(e)) = \y -> e1[x := e] | otherwise undefined Normal Forms ------------ A **redex** is a lambda-term of the form ``(\x -> e1) e2`` (i.e. can be beta-reduced). A lambda-term is in **normal form** if it contains no redexes (i.e. cannot be beta-reduced). Semantics: Evaluation --------------------- A lambda-term *e* evaluates to *e'* if: 1. There is a sequence of stops ``e =?> e_1 =?> ... =?> e'`` Examples ^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: haskell (\x -> x) apple =b> apple (\f -> f (\x -> x)) (\x -> x) =b> (\x -> x) (\x -> x) =b> \x -> x (\x -> x x) (\x -> x) =b> (\x -> x) (\x -> x) =b> \x -> x Elsa Shortcuts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Named lambda-terms """""""""""""""""" ``let ID = \x -> x`` To substitute a name with its defn, use a =d> step .. code-block:: haskell ID apple =d> \x -> x apple =b> apple Evaluation """""""""" ``e1 =*> e2`` - e1 reduces to e2 in 0 or more steps, where each step is in =a>, =b>, =d> ``e1 =~> e2`` - e1 evaluates to e2 (i.e. final output) Non-Terminating Evaluation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: haskell (\x -> x x) (\x -> x x) =b> (\x -> x x) (\x -> x x) Programs can loop and never reduce to normal form! This is called the omega-term. What if we pass omega to another function? .. code-block:: haskell let OMEGA = (\x -> x x) (\x -> x x) (\x -> \y -> y) OMEGA Lambda Calculus: Booleans ------------------------- How do we encode T/F as a func? With booleans, we make a binary choice (e.g. ``if b then e1 else e2``) We need to define three functions: .. code-block:: haskell let TRUE = \x y -> x let FALSE = \x y -> y let ITE = \b x y -> b x y such that .. code-block:: haskell ITE TRUE apple banana =~> apple ITE FALSE apple banana =~> banana .. code-block:: haskell eval ite_true: ITE TRUE e1 e2 =d> (\b x y -> b x y) TRUE e1 e2 =b> (\x y -> TRUE x y) e1 e2 =b> (\y -> TRUE e1 y) e2 =b> TRUE e1 e2 =d> (\x y -> x) e1 e2 =b> (\y -> e1) e2 =b> e1 eval ite_false: ITE FALSE e1 e2 =d> (\b x y -> b x y) FALSE e1 e2 =b> (\x y -> FALSE x y) e1 e2 =b> (\y -> FALSE e1 y) e2 =b> FALSE e1 e2 =d> (\x y -> y) e1 e2 =b> (\y -> y) e2 =b> e2 Now we can define other boolean operators: .. code-block:: haskell let NOT = \b -> ITE b FALSE TRUE let AND = \b1 b2 -> ITE b1 b2 FALSE let OR = \b1 b2 -> ITE b1 TRUE b2 (``ITE`` is redundant, so it can be removed from these defns) Lambda Calculus: Records ------------------------ - Start with records w/ 2 fields (pairs) - What do we want to do? - Pack two items into a pair - Get first - Get second API ^^^ .. code-block:: haskell let PAIR = \x y -> (\b -> ITE b x y) -- a function that returns a function -- that takes a boolean asking which item you want let FST = \p -> p TRUE let SND = \p -> p FALSE such that .. code-block:: haskell FST (PAIR apple banana) =~> apple SND (PAIR apple banana) =~> banana Triples ^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: haskell let TRIPLE = \x y z -> PAIR x (PAIR y z) let FST3 = \t -> FST t let SND3 = \t -> FST (SND t) let TRD3 = \t -> SND (SND t) Lambda Calculus: Numbers ------------------------ - What about natural numbers [0..]? - Counters, arithmetic, comparisons - +, -, \*, ==, <=, etc We need to define: - a family of numerals ``ZERO, ONE, TWO``, etc - arithmetic functions ``INC, DEC, ADD, SUB, MULT`` - comparisons ``IS_ZERO, EQ`` Implementation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Church numerals**: A number N is encoded as a combinator that calls a function on an argument N times .. code-block:: haskell let ZERO = \f x -> x let ONE = \f x -> f x let TWO = \f x -> f (f x) let THREE = \f x -> f (f (f x)) ...etc Increment """"""""" .. code-block:: haskell -- call `f` on `x` one more time than `n` does let INC = \n -> (\f x -> f (n f x)) -- ex INC ZERO =d> (\n f x -> f (n f x)) ZERO =b> \f x -> f (ZERO f x) =*> \f x -> f x =d> ONE Add """ .. code-block:: haskell let ADD = \n m -> n INC m -- n is a function that takes a function and number -- i.e. apply INC n times to m -- ex eval add_one_zero: ADD ONE ZERO =d> (\n m -> n INC m) ONE ZERO =b> (\m -> ONE INC m) ZERO =b> ONE INC ZERO =d> (\f x -> f x) INC ZERO =b> INC ZERO =*> ONE eval add_two_one: ADD TWO ONE =d> (\n m -> n INC m) TWO ONE =b> (\m -> TWO INC m) ONE =b> TWO INC ONE =d> (\f x -> f (f x)) INC ONE =b> INC (INC ONE) =*> THREE Mult """" .. code-block:: haskell let MULT = \n m -> n (ADD m) ZERO -- ADD m returns a function -- so we call ADD m on ZERO n times -- similar to python partials -- ex eval two_times_one: MULT TWO ONE =d> (\n m -> n (ADD m) ZERO) TWO ONE =b> (\m -> TWO (ADD m) ZERO) ONE =b> TWO (ADD ONE) ZERO =~> ADD ONE (ADD ONE ZERO) =~> TWO Lambda Calculus: Recursion -------------------------- Ex. I want to write a number that sums up natural numbers to n. - ``\n -> ... -- = 1 + 2 + ... + n`` Step 1: Pass in the function to call recursively .. code-block:: haskell let STEP = \rec -> \n -> ITE (ISZ n) ZERO (ADD n (rec (DEC n))) Step 2: Do something to ``STEP`` so that the function passed as ``rec`` becomes: ``\n -> ITE (ISZ n) ZERO (ADD n (rec (DEC n)))`` Fixpoint Combinator """"""""""""""""""" .. note:: Wanted: a combinator ``FIX`` s.t. ``FIX STEP`` calls ``STEP`` with itself as the first argument .. code-block:: haskell FIX STEP =*> STEP (FIX STEP) .. note:: It's important that ``STEP`` has some base case in it, or else you end up with ``STEP (STEP (STEP (STEP...)))`` then, ``let SUM = FIX STEP``, so ``SUM =*> STEP SUM`` .. code-block:: haskell eval sum_one: SUM ONE =*> STEP SUM ONE =d> (\rec n -> ITE (ISZ n) ZERO (ADD n (rec (DEC n)))) SUM ONE =b> (\n -> ITE (ISZ n) ZERO (ADD n (SUM (DEC n)))) ONE =b> ITE (ISZ ONE) ZERO (ADD ONE (SUM (DEC ONE))) =*> ITE FALSE ZERO (ADD ONE (STEP SUM ZERO)) =*> ADD ONE (SUM ZERO) =*> ADD ONE (STEP SUM ZERO) =d> ADD ONE ((\rec n -> ITE (ISZ n) ZERO (ADD n (rec (DEC n)))) SUM ZERO) =b> ADD ONE ((\n -> ITE (ISZ n) ZERO (ADD n (SUM (DEC n)))) ZERO) =b> ADD ONE (ITE (ISZ ZERO) ZERO (ADD ZERO (SUM (DEC ZERO)))) =*> ADD ONE (ITE TRUE ZERO (ADD ZERO (SUM (DEC ZERO)))) =*> ADD ONE ZERO =~> ONE So how do we define ``FIX``? - Let's look back at omega: - ``(\x -> x x) (\x -> x x) =b> (\x -> x x) (\x -> x x)`` - We need something similar but with control - Thus, the Y combinator (or fixpoint) .. code-block:: haskell let FIX = \stp -> (\x -> stp (x x)) (\x -> stp (x x)) eval fix_step: FIX STEP =d> (\stp -> (\x -> stp (x x)) (\x -> stp (x x))) STEP =b> (\x -> STEP (x x)) (\x -> STEP (x x)) =b> STEP ((\x -> STEP (x x)) (\x -> STEP (x x))) =d> STEP (FIX STEP) .. note:: Example: ``MULT`` using recursion .. code-block:: haskell -- if we can use recursion by name: let MULT x y = ITE (ISZ y) ZERO ADD x (MULT x (DECR y)) -- replace the self ref with a passed func let MULT1 f x y = ITE (ISZ y) ZERO ADD x (f x (DECR y)) -- and use fixpt let MULT = FIX MULT1 -- therefore, generally let FUNC0 = \f n -> ... f (DECR n) let FUNC = FIX FUNC0